Psychological Services
Psychological Services
Psychological Services specialises in providing mental health services and forensic assessments to individuals and families from various Social Service Agencies (SSA) in Singapore. Mental health services would include psychological assessments and interventions for vulnerable adults (e.g., elderly, disabled, neglected or abused) and families experiencing mental illness, emotional and psychological distress, family conflict, parenting difficulties, divorce or marital breakdown. We also provide forensic child custody reports and mental capacity assessment reports to the family courts for child custody dispute proceedings or deputyship applications.
Our psychologists will work in a multidisciplinary team and stakeholders to provide evidence based interventions and provide quality psychological inputs for client care and management. This is an expanding service area for psychologists in the social service sector and we seek clinical/counselling/forensic psychologists who are passionate about providing psychological services to families and the vulnerable in the social service sector.
Hear more about Psychological Services from our Senior Clinical Psychologist, Alva Liow!
“You don’t have to light yourself on fire, just to give people warmth.”