Early Intervention Services
Psychologists in the Early Intervention Services are deployed to various Social Service Agencies (SSAs) to provide psychological services and assessments to clients in the respective early intervention programmes. They work in a multi-disciplinary team together with teachers, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, social workers and other allied health professionals alongside the client’s family members to support the client.
Early Intervention Programme for infants & children (EIPIC)
The Early Intervention Programme for Infants and Children (EIPIC) aims to support children (2-6) with developmental needs with improved motor, communication, social, self-help and cognitive skills. Activities are designed to maximise their developmental growth potential and minimise the development of secondary disabilities.
The Development Support (DS) and Learning Support (LS) seeks to support pre-school children with low levels of early intervention support. Support and intervention can be provided in areas such as speech and language, motor skills, behaviour and literacy. The sessions are designed to equip pre-school children with developmentally appropriate skills to optimise their developmental outcomes.
Inclusive support programme (iNsp)
CPH is leading a technical assistance team to support capability building for pilot providers providing full day, inclusive childcare programme by coaching providers in early intervention and inclusive practices.
EIPIC-Care is a six-month training programme for caregivers of two to three-year-old children with developmental needs. Caregivers will learn from our psychologists on how to support their children’s development at home, through group workshops and individual sessions.
Hear more about Early Intervention from our Senior Educational Psychologist, Bernadette Chan!
“One needs to be filled, in order to give. Back at CPH on Fridays, I am nourished by the work that my colleagues do, and the things that I learn from them.”